Playground equipment and safety flooring at the kindergarten in Lakki, Municipality of Leros

Playground equipment and safety flooring at the kindergarten in Lakki, Municipality of Leros

In the context of the construction of the project “IMPLEMENTATION STUDY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE KINDERGARTEN IN LAKKI MUNICIPALITY OF LERO“, Actionplay undertook the supply of playground equipment, certified according to ΕΝ1176, and the supply and installation of 410m2 of wet-poured safety floor, 40mm thick, certified according to the ΕΝ1176, ΕΝ1177, ΕΝ71-3 standards and the Polycyclic Hydrocarbon tests (PAH TEST). The playground equipment included a slide, balance games, target game, and various geometric shapes are formed on the wet-poured safety floor, such as hopscotch, clock shape and letter set from A to Ω.


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