Complete renovation of 8 playgrounds in the Municipality of Deskati and 3 in the Municipality of Myki

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Δήμος Μύκης

Only proud could feel the well-known company of playground equipment and sports equipment Actionplay for completing the complete reconstruction of 8 playgrounds in the Municipality of Deskati, Grevena and 3 in the Municipality of Myki, Xanthi, equipping the premises with suitable and safe instruments of the Italian company TLF srl, with the most modern safety standards, suitable and completely accessible to all children and children with mobility difficulties.

Actionplay -with many years of experience and with respect for the environment- undertook, after a tender, the supply and installation of safe and certified according to EN 1176: 2015 playground instruments in the Municipality of Deskati and the Municipality of Myki, giving special attention and care, both in the creation of safe spaces and appropriate infrastructure in accordance with current European standards, but also in the selection of appropriate instruments that enhance the activities of all children with nature and the environment, instruments without exclusions for young friends with special abilities.

The playgrounds are equipped with instruments that creatively enhance children’s play, such as cribs, slides, spring toys, seesaws, multiplay theme compositions, climbing instruments, trampoline and more, all carefully placed on certified special safety floors, but also instruments such as musical toys, number games, metallophones and distortion mirrors, which stimulate children’s imagination and contribute to the development of their skills.

Όργανα γυμναστικής εξωτερικού χώρου Δήμου Δεσκάτης / Outdoor fitness Municipality of Deskati
Δήμος Δεσκάτης

Actionplay, with appetite and passion, showed the same attention and care for older friends, choosing and placing on the one hand outdoor sports compositions (Street Workout) with linear, horizontal and vertical layout and connections of towers and sections of various sports activities for children and adults, on the other hand suitable urban equipment with benches, trash cans, information boards, lighting fixtures and more, thus turning the playgrounds of the municipalities into attractions for young and old for rest and recreation.

It is noteworthy that all playground equipment complies with EN 1176: 2015 standards, all items are produced by the well-known Italian company TLF srl under quality control systems certified by ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001, while strictly following the European FSC and PEF certifications.

“Paying special attention, not only to the correct and based on all safety standards placement of equipment, but also to the selection of properly selected, certified equipment, is beautiful and fills us with special joy to contribute to the transformation of an unsuitable and unsafe space into a place of rejuvenation and carefree! It is beautiful to see whole families spending quality time, playing and having fun together in places that are dominated by imagination and creativity, inextricably linked to the natural environment and nature!”, stressed the co-owner of Actionplay, Mr. Thanasis Toloudis.

Specifically, Actionplay successfully completed and brought back the smile to the children of the neighborhoods in 8 playgrounds of the Municipality of Deskati and 3 playgrounds of the Municipality of Myki.

Municipality of Deskati

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Δήμος Δεσκάτης

Actionplay has remodeled and upgraded aesthetically, while it has undertaken the maintenance for three years, of 8 playgrounds and squares of the Municipality of Deskati, amounting to 225,000.00 euros and specifically:

1. Playground north of Deskati Town Hall
2. Playground of Agios Athanasios
3. Sports area of workers’ homes in Deskati
4. Playground of Agios Nektarios
5. Deskati’s street market playground
6. Deskati’s kindergarten playground
7. Playground of the former Primary School of Deskati
8. Central Square playground

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Δήμος Δεσκάτης


The Actionplay‘s technical team dismantled all existing dangerous and severely damaged equipment, selecting in collaboration with a special staff of the Municipality of Deskati toys in accordance with European safety standards and Greek legislation, as well as benches and sitting areas that ensure adequate and proper supervision of children by their escorts.

The design of each space was carried out separately by the Actionplay consultants, with a central focus on the variety of games to ensure the creative employment of children, but also the creation of alternative opportunities for play and education for all ages, paying particular attention to the possibility of utilizing the selected equipment by children with disabilities.

Baby and toddler swings, slides, multiplay theme compositions and springs with elephants and ducklings, seesaws – all mounted on safety floors – but also street workout exercise equipment, benches, lighting fixtures, trash cans, fences and information boards, which young and old now enjoy with excessive joy!

It is pointed out that all Actionplay instruments are made according to the current technical specifications (standards ELOT EN71, ELOT EN 1176, ELOT EN 1177) and hold modern European certifications, while materials, paints, wood, chains, ropes, screws and any material composes each instrument, creates the right conditions against wear, damage and injury, ensuring durability and complete safety of users.

Municipality of Myki

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Δήμος Μύκης

Actionplay replaced worn and damaged instruments in 3 playgrounds of the Municipality of Myki with playground equipment according to the European standard EN1176 “Playground Equipment and Surfacing – ELOT EN 1176 and certified wet-poured safety floors according to the standards EN 1176-1, EN 1177 and ELOT EN71-3, project amounting to 216,000.00 euros. The areas that have been remodeled are:

1. Centaur playground
2. Melivoi playground
3. Echinos Sports Area

With a basic criterion of children’s health and safety, equipment specially designed for individual and group games was selected by Actionplay consultants in collaboration with a special staff of the Municipality of Myki, following pedagogical parameters that ensure the attractive appearance and variety of toys and the best functionality and thus ensuring the development of imagination and the enhancement of children’s skills.

Modern children’s activity instruments with towers, infant activity houses, swings, trampolines and seesaws, number games, climbing instruments, but also special musical toys, mills, deformation mirrors and metal picks were placed on special safety floors that protect against falls and give children endless hours of fun and creativity.

It is pointed out that all Actionplay instruments are made by the Italian TLF, have all the modern European certifications, while paints, wood, plastics, chains, ropes, screws and every material that composes each instrument, create the appropriate conditions, which ensure the great resistance to time and external environmental conditions and the complete children’s safety.

Προμήθεια – τοποθέτηση εξοπλισμού για την αναβάθμιση των παιδικών χαρών του Δήμου Μύκης
Δήμος Μύκης

Actionplay is very proud that, as the contractor of the competitions, it undertook and successfully completed the reconstruction of 11 parks, squares and playgrounds, providing young and old, beautiful and functional rejuvenation spaces, safe spaces, spaces that inspire children and enhance their creativity, imagination and skills.
This pride becomes a sincere joy facing the happy faces of children who play in upgraded and safe places, in an atmosphere of carelessness and carefree!
Reliability and respect for people reflects the philosophy of Actionplay and is reflected in all the works of the company!

Warm congratulations to the Municipality of Deskati and the Municipality of Myki, not only for the undivided cooperation with Actionplay, but also for all their efforts to give their citizens what they deserve, they succeeded!