
Only proud can feel the familiar playground equipment and sports equipment company, Actionplay, every time it completes the construction of special playgrounds and the installation of safe and certified according to EN1176: 2017 equipment of playgrounds, seeing in the faces of our little friends wide smiles are formed!

And how not to feel proud, when the playgrounds he undertakes all over Greece, are not only built with a special emphasis on safety and durability, but also offer our little friends attractive and fun ways that turn safety into fun, the innocent play in an integrated educational activity!

actionplay safetyfloors 3d xutadapedaasfaleias

3D graphics, soft seats, safe decorations, durable inspired equipment and toys, cheerful colors and shapes, elastic wet-poured safety floors with international certifications and European standards turn a simple playground into a unique, special and original idea of endless play and educational activities for children, with the primary goal of their safety!

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Basic geometric and irregular letters and numbers up to the most attractive images, patterns and characters full of ideas create spaces suitable for children and able to provoke the activation and exploration of space, creatively sparking children’s imagination and contributing decisively to the development of their skills!

Actionplay, in order to offer original but also durable and safe solutions for playgrounds and playground instruments, collaborates with internationally recognized companies of manufacturers abroad, with international certifications.
The wet-poured safety floors that it offers and manufactures, create an elastic, colored floor, of high strength and aesthetics, in a variety of shades, certified according to the European Standards EN1176-1, EN1177, EN 71-3 & Regulation 1907/2006 / EC, as well as its amendment 1272/2013 / EU regarding the parameter “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons” – PAH in the whole construction and not only in the upper layer.

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Wet-poured safety floors are mixed and installed on site, placed in any shape, either on a specially made base of crushed material, or on asphalt or concrete (even old), made of recycled rubber and the top layer consists of finer grains of EPDM, while they are available in many attractive colors.

Child safety has always been Actionplay‘s top priority in the playgrounds it builds.

The purpose of Actionplay is without a doubt to turn a playground into a completely inspiring idea!
3D features such as trampolines, slides, audio and play equipment, 3D shapes such as different species of animals, anthills with tunnels, 3D octopuses, 3D starfish, hills with tunnels are features used with imagination and creativity in the playground, in a variety of ways even as soft seats.



actionplay safetyfloors 3d xutadapedaasfaleias halfballs


Attractive 3D halfballs
Made of SBR and EPDM mattresses, they promise endless hours of fun.
They are undoubtedly some of the most attractive play items in many ways, soft seats or safe playground decorations. The kids love them!




actionplay safetyfloors 3d xutadapedaasfaleias palisades


3D shapes and fences
They are safely installed on artificial turf, rubber tiles, concrete or on large sandy beaches as parts of play equipment.
Mounted on the ground or portable, they turn a classic playground into a totally fun and educational place!



actionplay safetyfloors 3d xutadapedaasfaleias playhouse


3D Playhouses
Another toy item for our little friends that is placed on the surface of EPDM, made of stainless steel covered with a certified two-level safety surface. It is mounted separately as a single element or as part of the complete equipment of a playground and can be used as a climbing wall with handles that allow easier movement safely.




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Areas with water jets and fountains

Wonderful 3D graphics with water jets and small fountains, which offer coolness but also plenty of moments of joy and happiness to our little friends, especially during the summer months! With options for controlling the water connection to the faucet and electronic switches for adjusting the duration of the water spray, they work with a battery and with a minimum water consumption from 2.6l / min to 7.4l / min.



For children, play and learning go hand in hand. Play is the way children relate to the world and develop their skills.

The playground equipment offered by Actionplay, places special emphasis on the transformation of an inappropriate and unsafe space into a place of rejuvenation and carefreeness, on the transformation of a simple playground into a space where imagination and creativity dominate, inextricably linked to the natural environment and nature.

With appetite and passion, safely and all international certifications and always in accordance with all European standards, the playgrounds built by Actionplay are an investment in the learning and cultivation of our little friends!

They can be used as:

• multipurpose play areas
• small courts for ball games
• outdoor classrooms with educational features
• spaces for theatrical performances
• small traffic parks for wheeled toys
• drawing areas with chalk
• places for learning, sports, relaxation and fun

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Actionplay has a clear focus on creating playgrounds that inspire children and enhance their creativity, imagination and skills.

The pride that the company feels every time it builds a playground becomes a sincere playground facing the happy faces of children playing in upgraded and safe places, in an atmosphere of carelessness and carefree!

Reliability and respect for people reflects the philosophy of Actionplay from the first moment of its establishment and is clearly reflected in all the projects of the company and in each of its constructions.!

Each project, a separate inspired idea!

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