
The Philodemos II funding program – Priority Axis: “Social and cultural infrastructure and activities of Municipalities”, entitled “Construction, repair and maintenance of municipal sports facilities” was announced.

This call concerns the financing of municipalities for the construction, repair and maintenance of municipal sports facilities and any other related actions aimed at improving these infrastructures and upgrading the quality of services provided in the amateur and mass sport. The program runs until 31 December 2020. The closing date for submission of applications is 30 April 2019.




Eligible costs:
All kinds of expenditure related to the construction, repair and maintenance of the sports facilities of the Municipalities (for example: closed gyms, swimming pools, stadiums, tartan, locker rooms) and the improvement of the quality of the services provided in the field of amateur and mass sport.
Any kind of expenditure related to these actions. Indicatively, they include: construction of access ramps for people with reduced access to facilities, interventions aimed at enhancing the safety of users in attendance and access to the facilities, ie electric lighting, road marking, placing reflective pavements and installing warning signs speed of vehicles and signposts.
Any type of expenditure related to energy upgrading, energy saving and renewable energy projects in sports facilities. Examples include: replacement of burner / boiler / pipework with a system supported by RES, isothermal covers, solar panel for pool heating, addition of insulation to the shell, replacement of window frames and glazing with new certified, high energy efficiency). Interventions must necessarily upgrading the energy performance of the building by at least one (1) category, according to the CENELEC.




The date of eligibility of each type of expenditure is the date of this call.
The amount of funding is as follows:
Each Beneficiary is entitled only to one (1) Application, with the total maximum amount of funding from the Program amounting to € 600,000.
Each Application may include up to two (2) primary subprojects, with a minimum subproject budget of € 30,000.

In case the total budget of the sub-projects of the application exceeds the amount of funding from the Program (600.000 €), the difference should be covered by the Beneficiary by submitting a relevant Municipal Council Decision, which should be stated that it will cover by own resources or from another financing plan the resulting economic difference.

Please contact us for advice on submitting your folder.
2310-705411, 2310-770069



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